Customer Service
Shop4D is so much more than a software program, and our customer service and technical support are a big reason why.
Repair Shop Trained
Shop4D customer service is based near our shop in Littleton, CO, and train in our real shop where employees are using Shop4D every day. They see first-hand how critical it is to get you help and answers as quickly as possible.
Committed to Your Success
In addition to our onboarding team, Shop4D offers free live weekly training to help you master the program and go live as quickly as possible so you can grow your operation as quickly as possible.
Real World Solutions
The Shop4D support team includes a diverse team of experts to help your team use the entire program. From lube sticker printers to QuickBooks to emails to multi-shop integration, our focus is on helping your operation benefit from all Shop4D has to offer.
Available When Needed
Get answers to your questions right away. Shop4D support is available from 7 am Eastern to 7 pm Pacific, Monday to Saturday, via chat, email, and phone.
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On-boarding has been fantastic with no issues. I love how quick the Shop4D team and tech support responds to help us with our questions and needs. The team is surprisingly transparent through the whole setup and process. We know what they are doing to help us, and they inform us of where we are at in the process, so we never have to wonder. The tech support is so much better than our last point of sale company, and I will even say better than any add-on company’s tech support. Shop4D tech support is the best I have ever dealt with – and we have had experience with a lot of different companies.
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